TDU 700

The mobile unit with a maximum capacity of 700kg/hour in continuous operation is focused on maximum yield and the highest quality of oil during the recycling process of the material at the expense of input power. 

It is developed and constructed for recycling plastic waste, used face masks, medical waste, biomass pellets, substrate and digestate from biogas plants, waste sludge from wastewater treatment plants.

After the recycling process of waste, we can obtain high-quality oil with a yield up to 90% by weight, ie. up to 700 liters of oilFrom 1kg of sorted plastics, we can create up to 1l of high-quality oil. 

After the recycling process of waste, we have three main products: Oil, Gas, Carbon Black.

All the obtained raw materials can be used ecologically as input material for further processing, but above all for the production of energy and for transportation.

The volume of the products depends not only on the composition and properties of the feedstock but also on the process conditions during the recycling process itself, e.g., input material type, process temperature, heating rate, residence time, hydrodynamic conditions, other equipment of the unit, especially way and method of condensation. 

The individual volumes of the products, depending on the conditions described, within the range:


30 to 90 % by weight


5 to 36 % by weight

Carbon Black

3  to 45% by weight

Waste2oil technology is developed and constructed as a technology without waste. All of the products obtained can be safely used.

Process Gas can be used to power gas turbines to produce power for its use, without the permanent need to connect to an external power source for their operation. The process gas is almost always, due to its difficult storage and compressibility, used as a fuel with high energy potential. 

Unit TDU 700 can process up to 5,600 tons of waste per year, and produce a significant amount of:


With a calorific value of approx. 40 MJ / kg


With a calorific value of 31 MJ / kg

Carbon Black

With a high content of pure carbon

Depending on the extent of optional peripherals, we can then produce an interesting amount of usable electrical and thermal energy, or optionally cooling, from the products obtained in this way.

Waste2oil technology as well as its optional peripherals are arranged in mobile modules, which can be located and operated only on a paved area up to 600 square meters.

TDU 700 unit can be used for

plastic waste

Plastic is a worldwide problem. Our objective is to transform plastics that end up in landfills or are incinerated into a highly valuable commodity.

used face masks

Many countries having a hard time what to do with the used face masks. Waste2oil technology can solve their problem.

Medical Waste

Medical waste is a variety of hazardous waste with multi-components. Waste2oil technology can safely turn medical waste into high-quality oil. 


We can produce high-quality oil from wood, miscanthus, straw, and abrasion from pelleting.

Substrate and digestate from biogas plants

From the substrate and digestate from biogas plants, we can create high-quality oil. 

waste sludge from
wastewater treatment plants

Waste2oil technology allows solving the problem of disposal of sewage sludge in nature and environmental pollution.

Safety systems

Installed sophisticated safety systems minimize, or in some cases eliminate possible erroneous operator commands.  An indication of a process anomaly, these systems can correct or remove the causes of this anomaly. When there is an indication emergency condition, the system will shut down in all circumstances in a controlled manner.

The individual modules and other critical points of the device are equipped, in addition to the essential mandatory security elements, also by an advanced camera circuit with detectors and sensors, which is part of the central control. In case of any danger, these advanced safety elements activate the switch-off sequence of the entire device and shut down the process in a controlled manner.

The functions of safety systems are not limited by a possible power failure. The technology is equipped with an electronic backup power supply, which fully covers the energy needs for the safe shutdown of the equipment.